The Pink Month of Prevention and the artistic eye of a warrior

The Pink Month of Prevention and the artistic eye of a warrior
The Pink Month of Prevention and the artistic eye of a warrior

"The photo shows an image of an eye of a samurai warrior. An eye in love with life, with light, which he needs to reassure his insecure steps in the dark. A tear flows from his iris, breaking into a thousand lines on his cheek ... A new battle is on its way, it's ready ... and fights !!!
The warrior is me, after an intervention immediately last July for metastases and partially sighted, I'm about to prepare for the therapy, whose side effects are not light.
The eye was rigged by the bodypainter Alajde Spernanzoni and the photograph is by Andrea Pulito.
With Monica and Fede we are the Guerriere Sciences Arts & Events, a group we created with the plastic surgeon Marco Iera. Our goal is to convey a precise message: pain, through events, scientific information and art can be channeled into a project, in a challenge capable of giving the right energy to survive, to live with the ugly evil that grips us .
Even the disease left marks on the body, we tattooed and exhibited to show that these difficulties can be overcome.
On September 29th we participated in the Regata del Conero in Ancona, the event to raise awareness on prevention and the fight against breast cancer, "says Eva Schioppa, one of the founders of Le Guerriere Sciences Arts & Events.
The Conero initiative anticipated the October Month of Rose, which has become an annual event to raise awareness on the importance of prevention and the raising of funds for research. And fundraising initiatives are multiplying.


Like the Brest Cancer Campaign of The Estée Lauder Companies, conceived by Evelyn H. Lauder along with the iconic Pink Ribbon, has been combining and inspiring people around the world for over 25 years with the aim of defeating this disease. "At our side we will find AIRC, which represents for us the excellence in Italy in research and attention to the sick, that we will continue to support with the aim of winning and giving all women a world free from breast cancer. The same purpose that Evelyn H. Lauder set out when, in 1992, he conceived the pink ribbon, today it has become the universal symbol of this struggle", says Edoardo Bernardi, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of The Estée Lauder Companies Italia.

By Francesca Marotta

francesca marotta


Francesca Marotta: giornalista di moda e beauty, curiosa, sognatrice, anticonformista. Amo l’Italia, l’arte, le esperienze, gli stili di vita, il design... da wow!